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Crystal Fusion Light with Mike Broadwell and SolaraGem

  • How Logan hated woo-woo crap, but got turned around with gems because they work
  • Forgot melatonin or CBD…try this instead for better sleep
  • How ancient people used the healing power of gems along with sunlight
  • How the different strobe (Hz) setting for different colors match up to different brain wave states
  • Why the Spleen is important for energy, immunity and more
  • How to stack SolaraGem with other technologies and methods
  • The gem that Logan uses to make his meditations more peaceful
  • Why light and frequencies are key to many health effects (despite how little attention is paid to this area)
  • And much more

Includes the best gems for:

  • Pain Relief and Wound Healing
  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Energy
  • Emotional Balance
  • Mitigating Chemotherapy Nausea
  • Avoiding Getting Sick

Get your SolaraGem here and use coupon code LOGAN for $100 off.

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About Mike Broadwell

Mike Broadwell has spent the last decade specializing in crystal fusion light therapy, working with leading specialists in the fields of integrative health and wellness. He offers training, consulting and ongoing support for practitioners and individuals. He has recently launched his own crystal fusion light device, called SolaraGem.


SolaraGem (Use coupon code LOGAN for $100 off)

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Logan (00:02):
Welcome everyone. Logan Christopher here with the health sovereign podcast. And today I have joining me, Mike Broadwell from SolaraGem. Thanks for joining the call, Mike.

Mike (00:30):
Hey, well, thank you. It's great to be here.

Logan (00:32):
Yeah. So this should be an interesting topic. Definitely an interesting one that most people are probably not familiar. A lot of people haven't thought about this stuff. And, well, I'll admit, like when I first heard about gems and stones and whatnot, there, there was a big part of me that didn't wanna believe in that crap, right? Like two woo woo. Two new ag. But then as I kept kind of hearing about it as like, okay, I gotta at least give this a try, like skeptical thing, but as like, okay. And I felt like stuff from a stone. And since that time, then I played with it a little more. I did stuff like programming, quartz, crystals. I don't know if we'll end up talking about that and had some good results with that. So I was like, okay, well there's something here. So for me, you know, I'm really interested in what works, so I, I'm not gonna be trapped in this ideology. It was like, Nope, there can't be anything there. Therefore there won't be right. But if I notice something, then I I'm gonna investigate it. And actually recently the stones and gems have been calling me much more and SolaraGem was one of the ways that it did that. So I don't know. Did you have a somewhat similar story? How did you get involved in this in the first place Mike?

Mike (01:41):
Actually, I, I ran across a company out of England about it was 2011 actually almost October, I think of 2011. I was at a conference on bio energy. It was really a cool conference of all kind of amazing people there. Dr. Claude Swanson was there. He just passed away recently, but he was a pioneer and really documenting a lot of the physics behind energy work and all this stuff. And so I, I ran across a similar device and just laid on the table in this crowded exhibit hall and just really chilled out dramatically and ended up asking several people who were attending. A friend of mine, had a table and I was sitting there with them and I'd ask people, which of these things do you like? And almost everybody really pointed to the crystal light therapy. And so I started working with this, this company outta the UK for several years, learning it and kind of coming in from a whole different angle, being an engineer by training and not a medical person. And so I think it's good that I didn't have any preconceptions. And I just saw what amazing things it could do over the years and got quite good with it. And then through various means just decided to create my own system. And that's what this large is. So yeah, kind of a stumbled into sort of thing.

Logan (02:56):
Nice. Nice. So tell people, what is this large gym?

Mike (03:01):
Well, so large gym is basically full spectrum, light pass through different mixtures of gemstones and color. So here's, here's one for instance, I don't have it even turned on, but I'll, I'll turn it on here. The so what we're trying to do is emulate sun sunlight, passing through mixtures of gemstones and color filters. And we use this on different, different mixtures of this on different parts of the body mm-hmm . And this is what was done in the ancient world. They would take people out in the sun, put different mixtures of stones on different parts of the body and that's ancient healing. So it, it goes back thousands of years and we've just kind of modernized it with where you can do it indoors. Don't have to worry about the weather, that sort of thing. but pretty simple in concept

Logan (03:48):
Mm-Hmm nice. So yeah, just thinking as far as people kinda the, I always like to look at what's the natural effects, cuz I, you know, what did we evolve with? What are, you know, that's the whole reason I'm in herbs and stuff like that, right? This stuff that has been part of medicine for a long time. So gems and stones have actually been that for very long, just not as well known. So a, a person could take gem if they had it go outside, slap it on some area of their body and the sunlight infusing through that should deliver some sort of benefits.

Mike (04:19):
Yeah. The stones have a natural energy with them and some people can sense that that's why crystal shops are everywhere and people are, you know, into it. But the light actually explodes the energy through the stone even enhances it. And think about fiber optic. I mean, you're basically it's basically crystals, you know, everything we use in communication and computers is all based on crystals, mostly artificially grown crystals, but it's, it's all about communication. So it it's, it's a very ancient technique. And if the ancient, I VEIC, people will tell you that the two ways to get the maximum energy from stones is to either grind them up into a powder and drink them, which is probably not recommended unless you really know what you're doing or use the light to the sunlight or light to take the energy into the body. So it does amplify it dramatically and very powerful.

Logan (05:12):
Nice. Yeah. My understanding is with Iveta is they also have gone deep down the, the alchemy rabbit hole. So with stuff like gems and metals for it to be assimilable by the body, it has to go through some major, major steps of processing and that's something I'm into, so yeah, really kinda understanding that. But yeah, that makes sense. A more easy way, a more user friendly way of being able to work with these was through the light frequencies rather than digestion .
Mike (05:44):
Yeah. And there are people that do make gym lickers now where they'll take stones and put 'em into a glass of water and, but you still have to be careful because some of the stones are toxic. Some of 'em have, you know, toxic elements in 'em. So it's beautiful with the light therapies. I can just shine the light through the stone, into a liquid and make an, the Lier or really program, any sort of cream or oil or liquid, any, anything like that. And it it's, it's kind of fun to have a party and let people taste wine before and after mm-hmm , you know, it makes a dramatic difference. So

Logan (06:18):
Yeah. Tell a little bit more about that. That was one of the first stories I heard regarding this. I was like, that's quite interesting.

Mike (06:24):
Yeah. It's it's, it's funny. I've done that on several occasions. And, and a few years ago I was at a health conference actually out in San Diego, I believe. And it was, there was an organic wine company that set up a, the big booth and they were having a reception giving people samples of all their wine. So I, I took one of the bottles and, or a glass, I guess, and I structured it for the guy running the wine stand and he's like, oh wow, this is way better. I said, well, you need me to do a whole bottle. I said, sure. And he said, well, I'm gonna, he was gonna put it away and keep, I'm gonna keep this. I no, no, keep serving it. I'll do it all night. So I was just, we had like 50 or 60 of these holistic doctors, you know, doing before and afters and every single one of 'em said, it's way better after we did the crystal fusion light into it. So mm-hmm and the wine people were cool. I mean, the next year I tried it and the people were mad at me doing it cuz you know,

Mike (07:15):
It did make it better.

Logan (07:17):
Yeah. So what are the different gems that can be used for this? You have a couple like starter ones, that's where you recommend people begin with the ones that I've been working with. So yeah. Can you go into some details on that?

Mike (07:31):
Absolutely. Yeah. I, I have some recommended starting points just because there's a lot to this and there's millions of gems. It seems like are.

Logan (07:39):

Mike (07:41):

Logan (07:41):
It's quite incredible how many there are out there. I have like books that go over this, like it's, it's overwhelming, right?

Mike (07:47):
Yeah. It, it can be and that's you don't want people to be overwhelmed. So what we start with typically is an amethyst gym mixture. I'll just throw that on here. So you can see and I'm using a I don't know if that really shows up very well in the light. It's not real bright mm-hmm but it's, it's using more of what we call a Scarlet color. So it's not quite some people say, well, why isn't this purple because it's ambass well, the, the color filters follow a slightly different protocol. And we'll talk about that in a bit. But the amethyst is one of the more broad based stones. It's, it's a type of quarts and the color of stones comes from the, what we would call impurities in the stones or the different minerals in the stones. So amethyst is a form of quarts.

Mike (08:31):
It's fairly common stone and you probably seen the big geodes and things that people have amethyst mm-hmm , but amethyst is very powerful in that. It really helps to relieve negative emotions helps to relax the mind. And we always wanna start with the mind with the emotions, with the stress, cuz everything is rooted in that our, all of our problems really start between our ears and if we're not addressing that. And so, and that's the one people are gonna really experience the most. It's also a really great stone for chronic pain arthritis, anything like that, cuz it helps to clear cellular memory. And so most people are gonna delve into this, at least for personal use would be probably for pain or stress or sleep issues, but probably more pain. That's what tends to drive people. And so the amethyst is a great one to really address the sleep, the stress, the pain,

Logan (09:26):
Those are three huge areas that a lot of people have some difficulties with. So yeah, that's makes sense. Why it's a, the broad base one to start with.

Mike (09:36):
Yeah. And then secondarily, I don't have the exact one here,

Logan (09:40):
But let me mention before just my own experience. What I I've noticed with that, you know, I'm, I guess I'm fairly I can feel energies reasonably well and not like great at it, but becoming more in tune with my body over the years in many different practices with the ammos the, the biggest thing I feel with that. And I've, I've been using it while meditating is just a sense of peace. That is quite profound. It's actually very nice to do. And I've been using that one quite regularly to do that. It's it's quite powerful subtle, I guess, but powerful, definitely noticeable for myself.

Mike (10:17):
Yeah. It it's funny cuz I've, I've probably, I don't even know how many people I've run this on over the years. And a lot of times, you know, you get people that are intuitives and they're like, oh this is doing this. And I love those people cause they can tell me so many things mm-hmm but a lot of people are like, oh, what would you notice? Well I feel kind of relaxed and they act like they're disappointed in some way. And I like put the room of a hundred strangers and all this noise for 20 minutes and you feel relaxed. You do, you realize the benefit, every cell in your body is moved into the more health beneficial state. And it it's just funny how we don't value things that are so important. So mm-hmm, I think the beauty of this is it gets us to have to slow down and start to really just value things that aren't, you know, we, we want the whizbang, you know, lightning bolt fix me now doctor

Logan (11:11):
Mike (11:13):
We kind of see where that's got in the world. Right. That, that whole process is kind of really bad.
Logan (11:19):
yeah. Quick fix has a big downside here. Right.
Mike (11:26):
But you know, there's so many ways that, that you can address things and it's it's amethyst is just a great one to start now. Sapphire is another really nice one that you can use again on the crown used for stress used for, and, and there's multiple ways to look at this as some people were in the chakras and what they call the chakras or energy centers. And you can certainly use that as, as one process to, to work through. But a lot of it's just you know, tribal knowledge kinda like acupuncture, you know, it's been around for millennia and somebody figured it out. Mm-Hmm, , that's, that's a lot of what I've done with this. And then there's all kind of guides on crystals and things that they're not always in agreement, but they're nice jumping off points.

Logan (12:12):
Mm-Hmm yeah. I've tried just holding stones and doing some meditation with those and it's I'm still pretty early in it compared to yeah. I know people have done much more and being able to like feel the presence or the energy of that. And I wouldn't say I haven't had anything as strong as like feeling the amethyst that that sense of peace is quite strong with that. And I, I haven't used it for sleep cuz I, I already sleep well. But I imagine, and that's, it's a big use that many people, I definitely gotta give it to my wife to try for that purposes cuz unfortunately she does not sleep as well as me. But that seems like a, a, a major thing that could help a lot of people.

Mike (12:54):
Yeah. It's, it's, it's really huge. And, and I, I sleep every night with it's actually, I, I have one called the sleep seven, which is a form of amethyst called super seven, but I think that might be a trademark. So I just called it sleep seven, but it's, it's amethyst and six other minerals that are found in the same stone and it's more of a purple filter and it has some other stones in there to kind of balance. So that's more specifically for sleep. The, the main amethyst, I kind of wanted to balance a little more with the pain and it's a little more energizing, so people will think, well, I, I don't wanna do this cuz it'll make me go to sleep. But I don't know. It's your ex is your experience. I find it's actually more invigorating. I feel like I got a little rest, but

Logan (13:35):
Yeah, it's it's, as I said, a sense of peace, that's like the, the main word I'd put on it. So it's not necessarily like I'm not getting drowsy. Mm-Hmm it's just like nice and pleasant. And I imagine I could very easily drift off to sleep with that. But it also doesn't leave me yeah. Feeling like I can't go about my day cuz I, I, I do the meditation with that almost first thing in the morning after some journaling and other stuff. And so yeah, I'm ready to go.

Mike (14:05):
Yeah. I've got one guy that's a specialist with the Bo body work and does works with all kind of top athletes and he says, he'll actually make him sleepy. He'll put it on clients while he is working on 'em and it's just getting the periphery of it. It kind of makes him a little sleepy at times.

Logan (14:20):
Yeah. Nice. But it's, everyone's different. Right. You're gonna have slightly different effects from the different things. I like the idea that you formulate with them. Right. So you got formulas of the stones for specific purposes. Makes perfect sense.

Mike (14:34):
Yeah, there, there, there are combinations of stones. And so I, I do call them by the main stone, but there's at least two or three stones in most, every mixture. Okay. At a minimum. So there are more than meets the eye to 'em and then the whole color therapy is adds another element. So, and the frequency and the light. So that's, it's kind of the sum is greater than the, the parts, I guess mm-hmm, say, but it's, it's remarkable. And, and the beauty of it is the whole family can use it, use it on the pets, use it on plants, you know, use it on friends. I mean, it it'll last, you your whole life pretty much. So it's, it's simple and it's robust. And you know, so I think the key thing is there's a lot of cool stuff out there, but people don't use it cuz it's too complicated or too difficult. And they just, ah, I'll do it tomorrow, you know, sort of thing. yeah. And I try to make this where it's as simple to use and people can just build it into our routine. And I do find people that will say, well, it kind of took me a while to kind of start using it, but now I, I can't live without it. That's like I'm addicted to it.

Logan (15:41):
Do most people in your experience notice some of the benefits right away or is it after like a week or a month of using it that they're noticing more what's your experience of other people's experience, but that

Mike (15:53):
It, it really varies now typically I'm demonstrating it on people that may have some pain or, you know, I'm trying to ask 'em about and work on the pain. And so a lot of times they can have an immediate shift pretty major shift. And sometimes people will just say their head feels a little bit warm which is kind of their body just kind of getting used to it. And I'll tell 'em to, to touch it. And it's ice cold. I mean the, the settings we use doesn't create any heat. It's just the body is responding to it. So again, it's a physiological reaction, maybe just trying to figure out what's up. I've had practitioners that say, well it takes two or three sessions saying Manhattan for people to start feeling it more typically because of course it's kind of a hard Scrabble place, you know, and people are and people don't know what to feel.

Mike (16:41):
Half time they ask me, you know, what am I supposed to feel? Well here, you feel like you feel. And I think the big thing is we're just disconnected from feelings. We live in this kinda living our head, living this, you know, mechanical kind of life and we've disconnected and everything really happens at the level of feeling, not here by the time we get it here, it's, we're reflecting on. What's already happened. And it's, mm-hmm, like I tell people it's, it's kind of like the, the dad and a sitcom, you know, he's trying to act like he's in charge and knows what's happening. And it's just like, no, , you know, that's what neocortex is, right.

Logan (17:17):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, that's my experience too. The, not as a judgment, but lack of awareness is just kind of culturally enforced of, you know, internal sensations and emotions, feelings that we're having. This subtle energy is which, you know, our whole culture says that doesn't even exist. So , it makes it hard to connect to it. Right.

Mike (17:38):
Well, and it's, it's, I've just been reading this book called the presence process which is brilliant and how clearly the guidance outlines kind of the whole process of growth. And the first seven years are all emotional experience. Mm-Hmm and we really, the next seven is when we start to really develop the mental and start to figure out what does all this mean? But pretty much everything we experience in life is purely at a raw emotional level that we have no idea what's going on and it's terrifying. It's exhilarating. It's all these things. And these are the emotions that drive everything that we do. Yeah. And until we can get in touch with those emotions and realize that's, what's running everything, we think it's because of this and that, but this is this ridiculous, you know, it's,

Logan (18:21):
It's I forget who was saying this, but something along the lines of emotions drive everything you do, especially if you don't think emotions, try to repeat you. , it's just hitting from you. And as someone who really has suppressed a lot of feelings due to trauma and different things over the years and coming to terms with that it's quite amazing what I could hide from myself.

Mike (18:48):
It, it's remarkable. And, and you know, it's, it's, those emotions just have to be witnessed and experienced and we may never know what they're really about. And it's not even, it's not about figuring out that, oh, that's when the, the dog bit me when I was two years old or something, that's just that terror that, I mean, who knows what a two year old even imagines when something even we could laugh about now might see it happen to a two year old, not in that queue. It might be just completely terrifying. And, but it's that feeling and that sensation that we're running from and when we can let it come up and let it wash through it's, it's just amazing how many layers and it's, to me, it's like shutting down the apps on your phone, you've got like a hundred apps open. You wonder why your phone doesn't run and why are we run down by stress while we run down?

Mike (19:36):
Because we are running all these apps all the time that are there. Mm-Hmm . And I find that something like this large him, it's almost like it casts a different perspective on it. So all of a sudden that that thing that's been running around our entire life, that just feels like me all of a sudden starts to stand out a little bit because I've cast a little bit different perspective on it. And mm-hmm I can say, oh, what's this. Or, and just, it might just fizzle and push your way, but there's a lightness that comes after that. And after doing that daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, slowly, we start to clear the clutter.

Logan (20:11):
Yeah. Yeah. I'm actually thinking back. So I've been meditating for a while now and using mostly the, the amethyst, but occasionally some of the others and, you know, stuff is coming up in that. So how much is the meditation? How much is that helping to support it? I really like this idea with the, a technology such as this, and you mentioned this a little bit, one, it's like a one time investment and you can reap the benefits of that. That's always great compared to like consumable products or whatnot, where you gotta keep buying. Even if it is a little more expensive, it's it? It will last, right. If you take care of it, mm-hmm but then how can you stack the, this, this large gym along with either other technologies and or other methods? I think that's really where you can see a lot of benefit. So, you know, we were talking about sleep. Obviously you can do that while doing it, but you could do this. So different clinicians have used this. Could you give us some examples of different ways that people may be using this large, not just by itself, but with other practices and modalities?

Mike (21:12):
Absolutely. There, there are sound healers that might be doing primarily sound work, but they put this on because this is, this is a whole different level of that. The bodies are reaching. I, I think of it like that. The stones are the most ancient mm-hmm that we have, and they've been chilling out for millions billions of years. And so they're not like getting real stressed over .

Logan (21:33):

Mike (21:34):
So it kind of creates this deep kind of primal kind of beacon in a sense. And then a level of sound healing is gonna work at a different level in the brain and the body and the perceptions, and then your plant medicines and the herbs that you're dealing with are, again, working at different levels because our stomach, all these are really antennas. I mean, everything in our body is an antenna. That's, that's measuring frequency. It it's measuring stuff at some level. So I think that we stack these, we're just covering a wider spectrum because life doesn't come at us. Like we think it does. Life is really just frequency because everything that we think is real, we don't really know what anything looks like. It's all, it's, you get pretty feel empty,

Logan (22:19):

Mike (22:20):
If you get to that, we know science tells us that color is just a matter of reflection off of this, into my eyes. And my brain processes that, that desk you're sitting at is mostly air and or nothing. And then the atoms. So we have no idea what anything looks like. And we actually are able to form things into concepts as objects. And then we attribute causality to these objects, but life doesn't really work that way at all. And that may be kind of crazy. But what we're doing with these core frequency techniques is we're actually getting down to the, the core ingredients, you know, we're baking it. It's, it's baked into the cake by the time we see it, but we're getting down to the cake ingredients when we run these frequencies. And, and that's where everything's happening. Not after the fact when we think we have just gonna put it in this little.

Mike (23:09):
So so yeah, I mean, one of the, one of the great ways to use this, well, I've got a, a nature path in Arkansas that recovered from stage four. Cancer has got an amazing documentary about her life that won 71 film festivals called the unbelievable plight of Mrs. Right? And you can look that up on your streaming services, unbelievable plight of Mrs. Wright, amazing woman. And she's been using this large M several years. She said it helped her with her vision. When I first met her, she said, well, I was, she kept looking out the window. I was running it on her head. And she said, I thought, maybe she's bored. She goes, no, I keep looking out there. Cuz I have double vision since I had the brain surgery. And I don't wanna tell anybody cause I like to drive scary, but

Logan (23:54):

Mike (23:55):
But she said her eyes were clear enough. And so since that time she's been using it, she actually had her tube that they did with the surgery. The little port, she didn't have that taken out for about nine years. And so we were gonna go actually work a conference last summer and two weeks before she's like, I'm gonna get my port out. And I said, you sure you wanna do that? We got a conference in two weeks. She said, I'll be fine. And, and she specifically only used the Larm no medications or anything. And the pictures within two or three weeks, it's almost completely healed up from NA's car to virtually nothing. And she also uses a lot of the Emerald and that was just within Emerald. And she uses Emerald on people that she deals with that are going through chemotherapy because it takes away the nausea.

Mike (24:42):
But I've, I've worked with stroke recovery with oh my gosh chronic pain arthritis neuropathy just about anything. As you can imagine, I've worked with animals, several really good results with animals. I got holistic vets that use this Dr. Cola you've you've, you've familiar with Dr. Macola pretty well on guy. He had a major shift in his heart rate, variability using crystal fusion light. It was the older technology I used to sell before I had this one, but he's pretty major shift. And we did he had tried everything to hack this issue and he gave me permission to talk about it publicly, but nothing did it until we shift the energy around it. And he called me the next day, just ecstatic. And then actually email me two months later. Cause he had an even better response after fasting and still didn't understand why it happened, but it's, it was pretty cool. So yeah.

Logan (25:38):
Well, yeah. I just wanna, if people think about this, right, you have these light frequencies that are going and it's not just stopping at your skin. It actually penetrates into your body, into the, the cells and you know, there's people looking at that DNA or the bones themselves, like they're the DNA itself releases photons, right? It we're working on light frequencies on that level. It's not just about the coding of proteins or anything like that. So there's a whole bunch about the body. We don't quite understand, but if you understand that these signals are going into the cells and it, we're not just operating off chemicals that are telling cells to do things, but the frequencies will do that as well. So it's really not that far out there to understand how something like this could work. Right. Do you have anything to add to that?

Mike (26:26):
Yeah. Well a simple one, we all notice. I mean, you're in California where the traffic's pretty crazy. Right. And, and how many times do you feel somebody in your blind spot? You're almost gonna pull a lane over and then you just feel somebody in the blind spot mm-hmm , that's your energy field, cuz that they're what, 30, 40, 50 feet away from you and you're feeling them mm-hmm and so we've all had those kind of experiences. I grew up with three sisters and a mother and they could communicate without even using English. And I had no idea what they were talking about half the time, but it's well known that mothers can feel their children or in trouble from mm-hmm across the country. So what, what is that? Well, that's happening at a level that we, you know, our, our scientific approach is that if we don't understand it, it doesn't exist and that's really dumb I mean,

Logan (27:17):
And then we think we understand things, but it's not actually how diverse either.

Mike (27:22):
Exactly. I mean, it's just, it's just more and more. I think more people are starting to, to grasp that, that mm-hmm so yeah, it it's just that that light, that energy is it's fundamental to, to who we are. And I don't know it's I I've found there's so many things I've seen happen that I, I couldn't begin to explain why this happened, but it's like the body knows more than we do. And what we're really doing is just helping to put the body back and remove what's keeping the body from doing its own magic, which is it's designed to be self-healing, it's designed to be in homeostasis and to balance. And I just wanna remove what's keeping it from that, which is usually gonna be stress related or it could be an injury. It could be any number of things that are impeding the flow in the body, the energetic, the lymphatic, the blood, whatever. And just keep that moving the body's like, thank you. I know what to do. Give me the materials a lot of times it's just that energy cuz our body robs Peter to pay Paul. And I find a lot of times that just shining this on people just it's like the body says, oh thank you. I needed that energy. I don't have to take it from there. And mm-hmm

Mike (28:34):
it's it's it's pretty remarkable.

Logan (28:37):
Yeah. So let's dive into a few other stones. We got started with amethyst one down some side roads. So let's come back to address a couple more of them. What else are, are some of the, the starter ones that are really useful for people?

Mike (28:50):
Yeah, so I kind of have a track, so I like to start people with an amethyst and then depending on what their needs are typically, if it's, if it's physical health, just general wellbeing or a condition of some sort of physical that I'm dealing with, the second one would be a Cornelian stone, which is an orange kind of a bright orange. I don't have one right in front of me, but it's more of an energizing. So if you think in terms of cooling, the, the purpleish kind of amethyst is a calming, cooling color. Orange is kind of a hot color, like a fire, like a match. And so I want to energize. And so one of the first areas that we really focus on is the spleen. And if anyone's done Chinese medicine or acupuncture, the spleen is a huge, important part in the Chinese medical system.

Mike (29:39):
Mm-Hmm and most people have a damp spleen. Most Western medicine ignores the spleen and they think, oh, we can take it out. It's not important, but no, it's, it's actually part of the pancreas in the stomach. This is probably why we can take it out, cuz it's not really taking out the whole thing. But that spleen energy is what regulates a lot of the serotonin in the body. It's the blood filter. It's also the energetic center of the body, cuz we do have an energy center we're electromagnetic beings. And so that can boost the immune that can kickstart the system. So I, I really like that is the stress and then immune system mm-hmm and that's just kind of the two basics. I tell people, this is like brushing your teeth and taking your shower in the morning, just do these. And before you start, cuz if you know, many times I'll own a friend one, like they sprain their ankle and I say, well, you try yo, I put on my ankle, what did you do? Your head and spleen, no, we'll do that. And then they'll do it. And they're like, oh my gosh. Cause it all works together.

Logan (30:40):

Mike (30:40):
The carnelian is also great for anything that's gonna need more blood flow or needs to be enhanced or energized. So for men, as we get older, prostate issues certainly can be an issue. It's great. On the, on the VA vagus nerve, right under the left ear, you can just put it right on the right on the skin and and have it pulsate. And we usually pulsate at a higher frequency around 10 Hertz with that, whereas the Amos more like one and a half Hertz. But that can really, we actually want to stimulate the vagus nerve to calm down the, the autonomic nervous system. And so using those together is so it's, they're really beautiful that they, they give you so much to kind of balance and then boost the immune system.

Logan (31:24):
Mm-Hmm yeah. Could you go into a little bit more detail why the different hurts, the different stroke settings on the light for the different gems? Is it just more like faster pace is more energizing and kind of matches that one?

Mike (31:37):
Exactly. And it's, it's kind of brainwave frequency. So one and a half hurts is kind of in the Delta frequency. And so what we wanna do is take someone down into theta and pull 'em down and brain and trainmen if you've probably run across with audio or with sound, but you can also and train the brain through the frequencies. So by strobing the amethyst at, at a one and a half Herz, which seems to be an ideal frequency, it just helps to pull the brain waves down into that Delta state. And also it's recognized by the body because the body's used to these frequencies, cuz these are kind of the, heart's kind of the clock of the system and then all the frequencies are, are derived from this heartbeat. And so this natural to the body, I tell people it's like being in Japan in the airport and you hear somebody speaking English and you're like, you just naturally gotta, oh, I recognize that mm-hmm .

Mike (32:29):
And so it helps the body. Whereas the faster frequency is again, kinda like stimulating. Like if I was gonna put the baby to sleep, I would do a Lubi, very slow frequency. And if I'm gonna energize, I want a fast frequency. So again, I'm trying to energize, stimulate, get things moving or calm, relaxed balance. And there's, there's some places in between we could go, but I tend to just stay with those two. I think those are pretty easy. And, and the vagus nerve, a lot of the vagus stimulation out there, they look in the 10 Hertz ranges, a lot of your tens machines, things like that will work in that 10 Hertz frequency range. So again, that's, that's in the alpha frequency range, which is more your passive awareness and part of his limited because the light source that I use is an off the shelf light, which saved a lot of money on the system and makes it easy to repair. But that's as fast as the, the light would go. So that's kind of the limitation, but it's really pretty much what we need. I mean, it, it, it kind of fell in perfectly with my experience and, and what was needed. So so yeah, that's kind of the frequency element.

Logan (33:43):
You mentioned having it right there is, are you gonna have more effect having the light and the crystals basically right up against the skin versus having some distance away from it?

Mike (33:56):
Not necessarily. It's, it's basically what you want to think about is how big an area do I want to cover? If I'm, if I'm covering like my whole chest, for instance, I have a chest cold, then I could put it further out. This, we kind of put it up close, just cause we're, we're really getting right down on that vagus nerve location. And so it's gonna put a little more light energy, more in a concentrated area, but it's, it's very forgiving. I, I, I tell people it's not really, it's subtle energy. It's not about the amount of light. I run the light at 10% of its capability for several reasons, but it's really, doesn't need to be more, it's actually less is more. It's not about how much it's, it's the subtle energy and the body actually can take it in without it'll actually resist it if it's too much.

Mike (34:42):
And but yeah, it's as a general rule, if you just think about you, I tell people, go in a dark room and shine it on the wall and then pull it in and out and you get an idea of how big the light pattern gets. And then you can have a general idea, but, but that's a good question. And again, is something maybe individual for you. I mean, some people don't want to use the strobing. That's say I have to use the St. Strobing. It's like, no, do you need to put you know, REO in lasagna, you may not be as good . So I would say use it and then see for you. Does it make a difference? I think it does for me and I, I would hate for somebody to get less benefit just because I just don't want to do it, but try it and see it's I, I think it does add something, but it's not always necessary. And some people are bothered with strobing and things like that, but mm-hmm, just, you know,

Logan (35:37):
All right. Let's touch on a couple other stones.

Mike (35:40):
Yeah. So kind of the third stone after we do like the balance emotional balance and all this and, and the energizing, the immune system, I would go with probably a Emer, the Emerald stone, which is the green greenish type stone. Let's see what I had here. This is a, if I have one right in front of me this is actually not technically, not an Emerald, but it's green. So it looks like one. This is a parallel, which is a little bit different. Mm-Hmm and but Emerald is, is a great anti-inflammatory, it's great for acute pain for it's good for the thyroid. It's good for the, again, any kind of stomach virus or inflammation, or you can calm the liver. It's great for the heart the heart, the chakras, the green as your, your heart chakra mm-hmm .

Mike (36:30):
So this is a really wonderful for autistic children. We found that the Emerald really works beautifully for calming them down. So it's kind of the number three on the list of if you're looking at first aid or just a, a really a good system because of burns your acute pains, your all the things that can happen. You know, we get cut some scrapes and sore throats and hay fevers and things like that. So I love the Emerald and again, that's the one Dr. Wright was using with the chemotherapy for nausea. It's really great for that. So many things, ear infections, sinus infections I had a case just a few weeks ago where I had a real swelling in, in this whole ear. And I thought, well, I don't know if this is a tooth or what, but I could really, it almost hurt to, to chew.

Mike (37:20):
So I just started running this on it and within a day or two, it was down. So I, I don't know what it was. I probably should go to the dentist, but I didn't . But it seems to be fine. And so just things like that great for dental surgeries or any kind of post surgical recuperation, because it's an anti-inflammatory analgesic and aseptic. It really is just a beautiful, and it's balancing, it's kind of green as your center color in the chakras of the seven. So this mm-hmm , the green is kind of the core balancing between everything. So that's number three. And then number four, again, I would probably look at either something like the rose quartz, which is great for the heart. It's great for skin. It's really good for emotional issues that people are, have heartbreak or any kind of trauma, which we all have in life mm-hmm .

Mike (38:15):
So that's a really good one. Moonstone is great for especially female hormonal balance for any kind of premenopause or, or women having trouble conceiving. And there's all sorts of, it's really a great hormonal stone for women. Good for thyroid. Good for migraines, very beautiful kind of balancing stone mm-hmm serine is a very cleansing stone that can be used all over for pretty much any, any part of the body, but great in the stomach and the digestive system. So kind of move out from there. I mean, we can I think it kind of depends on the path that somebody's on the three or four are kind of your first date kid. And then beyond that, you can just kind of expand out of that.

Logan (39:03):
Nice. Nice. What do you use yourself the most?

Mike (39:09):
Well, probably the, the sleep seven or the amethyst, because I sleep with it every night. Right?

Logan (39:13):
that's a lot hours

Mike (39:16):
And I, you know, it's funny cuz the system I used to sell it, it would run for up to an hour and shut off. So I used to fall asleep with it and sometimes I'd wake up in the middle of the night, I'd put it on rose courts and run it again. It's very nice. I thought, well, this one doesn't actually shut off. What if I run it all night? And I was just so amazed at how deeply powerful healings I would get. I mean, a lot of times I will, you know, start fall asleep with it on my crown. And then maybe I do wake up at 3, 2, 3, 4 in the morning and I'll put the rose boards on the heart and sometimes things are processing things come up and I'm actually processing. And then that rose court seems to just push 'em through slowly and I'll just have amazing dreams.

Mike (40:00):
And then often waking up where I don't even wanna get outta bed. It just feels blissful, not every night. And it it's interesting. I've had some things processed. I remember one night in particular where I just felt yucky, you know, you just, sometimes you just feel like you're not screwed in. Right. And I was, you know, went to bed with a Amit amateur on my head and I thought I woke up and I thought, you know, it's not gonna work every night. I just feel, yeah. You know, but so finally I did switch to the rose courts and it seemed like after a long time I kind of got this insight that I had this limiting belief in my mind that, well, yeah, the world's designed to work as long as we follow God's rules and nature laws and all, but that's only up to a point and beyond that I'm screwed.

Mike (40:45):
And I saw that I had this belief structure that just came to my awareness. And as soon as I saw it, it evaporated and I just started feeling wonderful. I mean, it was just that quick, like a light. And it was like, that's been running around for how many decades in my brain and mm-hmm it, it just showed up into my awareness. So I, I think it does enhance things like meditation and it gives you the ability to hold that space. Cuz sometimes in meditation it's hard to hold a space when you've got a lot going on. Right. And it's mm-hmm so I think this, well,

Logan (41:19):
My mind still bounces around, but it's more peaceful

Mike (41:24):
And if you take now the, the real power which is kind of the real value in, in the LAR gym, especially is, is it's so much less expensive than any other system I've seen out there to use multiple units. And especially in healing work, when, if I can put three units on somebody, four units at a time, like I, I had a case not long ago, I was out in Las Vegas at a, a clinic. And this doctor asked me to come by and work on one of his staff who had really bad PTSD. And so I put an amethyst on the crown, a rose quarts on her heart. And then I actually put an Emerald on her Vegas, the doctor that had mentioned it told me the wrong one. He was thinking Carnalian and he was he was telling me about Vegas.

Mike (42:06):
I was still learning him about, and he's used this technology a long time, but he said, you know, he said later, oh, that should have been Cornelian. I was, I was thinking backwards, but regardless she went into such a deep, profound, relaxed state at first she got a little anxiety. I talked her through it and she, I said, you okay to keep going? Yeah. And then a few minutes later she was just, oh, this feels so good. And she was just deeply BLI out. And then I eventually moved and put the Cornelian on her spleen. And I mean, she, the next day I went in the clinic and she said that she went home, took a nap, went to bed at normal time, slept really well and still felt great the next day mm-hmm and it was pretty remarkable. I think doing those three together, just accelerated because it just creates this, it overpowers, you know, we have so much negative energy and all this stuff going on. I think this just being able to counterbalance it with a, just a steady rock, solid frequency,

Logan (43:05):
You know, it's rock solid pun intended. yeah. I haven't even thought about doing multiple at once. That's that sounds pretty amazing. I'm curious. But besides the sleep in you describing this here, it's I'm thinking like, oh yeah, I've just been like doing it in my morning routine, but forgetting about it the whole rest of the day. Right. So now I'm thinking like, oh, I can carry this around and be using it multiple times. Like, are you using this throughout the day in many different ways?

Mike (43:33):
I do. Yeah. I, I like to do my spleen in the morning because the spleen will energize you. So I usually like to kind of wake up and just, you know, do your Renaissance time or you're gonna call it mm-hmm when you first wake up, just throw it on your spleen for 20 minutes and kind of get a boost there. And then, you know, if I, if I feel run down during the day or, or, you know, something starts to bother me a little bit. It's funny how many times over the years I've sat there and worked all day and like feeling like crap. And then finally it's like, I really should go do this. Like I'll do it later. And then finally I go do it and I'll be like, man, I feel so good. Why should I, why did I feel miserable for, you know, the five o'clock or four o'clock when I could have knocked this out and you know, and doesn't take that long mm-hmm and so it kind of depends on what pops up and but I've just, I find that at least doing it in my sleep, you know, nobody can argue, they don't have time when they're sleeping.

Mike (44:28):

Logan (44:28):
right. Yeah. It's one of those no extra time activities, which is always good, cuz you know, who doesn't have a busy life these these days.

Mike (44:37):
And I, I think it's so important that we consciously have to get back to this stillness and quietness it. It's just, you really are not gonna heal any other way then think just slowing down. And I think the fastest way to slow down you know, that's, the real answer is not ignoring it until we just run ourselves on the ground. It's really, how do we incorporate something that can really help us to slow down and, and it just, everything starts to work better and life slows, like they say in the NFL, right? The rookie quarterback sees the, the field slows down right. As they get more mature mm-hmm and life's kind of that way. I think it slows down as we slow down and start to realize what's important and what's not. And most of it, these, these, these crazy emotions that are just driving us since, you know, are pre, cognizant days really in the womb and those are what's driving us. And if we can start letting go of those things, life will just slow down and all the things that seem so important are just not really that important.

Logan (45:41):
yeah. Yeah. I'm just thinking you, you address like how we can use these as first aid things, right? So when you have pain, whatnot, that's a good opportunity in one where you can, should be able to quickly see the difference. And that's always good cuz you, you know, you want to know that something is, is working, but you know, so much of this is also gonna be like kinda just maintenance or preventative and you know, that's hard to sell, but if you wanna actually be healthy, you gotta pay to do it. Right. You can't wait till you're, you know, your arms chopped off to do something about it. Right. And in that case, of course, you know, so large, Gem's probably not the best bet. Go see a doctor at that point, right outside of that. If you need help with your heartbreak, you know, doctor's not a good source. Maybe this large gem will help you there. Right?

Mike (46:28):
Oh yeah. And it's, and it is, I mean you know, one particular case I've seen happen several times is if someone, if you feel like you're getting a flu or a cold or whatever, the inventive disease of the day is

Logan (46:42):
monkeypox, that's a new one.

Mike (46:44):
Monkey yeah. Monkey shines you know, take a Ruby. Or if you, if you don't have the Ruby take the, the Cornelian on the 10 Hertz and just put it right on the nap of the neck, just right up against like, and I've had, I've done that several times and I had a friend, it was last new year's actually right before new year's we were supposed to be meeting at a mutual friend's house in Atlanta. They have a big, you know what? You may know the Zelensky Eric and Sabrina Zelensky have you run across them. They're big in essential oils and people may have heard of them. Dr. Dr. And mama Z is their call. Well, mama Z really loves the soar. M she just just loves working with this. And we were, and Dr. Siegel, Marlene Siegel down in Tampa was we're all mutual friends.

Mike (47:33):
So we were gonna meet at disease for their annual new year's dinner that they invited us to. And so Marlene called me if week or so before and said, I, I got the flu. I just felt like I'm getting the flu. I feel terrible. I did my head in and swing. What else should I do? And I said, well, take the Ruby, put it right on the back of your neck. And, and she texted me a few minutes later. She said, it's been three minutes. It's already a big difference. And then when I saw her, I said, well, how are you doing? She says, oh, I said, she goes, I'd put that on my neck. And after about three minutes, I felt a pop. And my head cleared on my joint pain went away I felt great. And she was telling people at the, at the dinner party about it. And she goes, you, you need to write all this down. I said, well, Marlene, I've told you a bunch of stuff already. You're not gonna remember it all. But you know, it's it's who knows how it's just one of those things I picked up and mm-hmm that made her a whole week. I mean, she could have been sick for a week if she hadn't done that. And I'm not saying it's gonna happen every time. I don't really know why it does, but it's

Logan (48:34):
Well, it's, it's another tool to add to your, your tool bag, right? Like if I notice the first symptoms of me getting sick, you know, one do a whole bunch of stuff. So that doesn't even happen in most cases. But when that's there, you know, eating garlic onions and ginger, horrible eating raw, but it seems to work really well. Obviously got some herbs, like elderberry doing various I've done like energy drills and taking zinc there there's a whole bunch there. So just, this is one other thing to add into it. It's with those little tips and tricks that you can be better off and knock it sick, got knock. It laid out like so many people do from so many things so often.

Mike (49:14):
Oh yeah. And, and pretty much everything is going right down that spinal column. So you're hitting, you're hitting pretty much all the communication pathways. So it it's mm-hmm, , it's, it's crazy. I've seen, I mean, years ago I had a, a friend in England and we were at her sisters, her sister just had a rotator cuff surgery. So we were gonna do some Emerald and help clear it. And so I started running the amethyst on the crown of her head or the Sapphire, I forget which one she started feeling tingling in her Phantom elbow tip, because when she was a child, they would apparently shave your elbow, tip off. If, if you had TB and she supposedly had TV, I've never heard of that. Never knew anybody else that's heard of that. But she was feeling tingling in her Phantom elbow tip. And it was like really bizarre. Yep.

Mike (50:03):
But we have this energy body, this energy blueprint is still there. Even then when the bones are gone, that's why there are things like Phantom limb pain because that energetic signature is still there. Yeah. The blueprint. So we're working on that level of and then there are some advanced techniques. We can do some shamanistic type things that will shift the whole energy body. Mm-Hmm emotional there's psychiatrists psychologists that use this because people will open up, they'll start talking, they'll start, there's a, a program by a company called XTO called Evok where you speak into it and it can tell emotional blocks through your frequency response to your voice. And there's several other tests out there like this, but mm-hmm, , I've had at least half a dozen Evok practitioners tell me when they use the crystal fusion light, that it will accelerate the clearing process through that. So it mm-hmm , it does open up these emotional pathways and so it's, it's remarkable in, in a lot of ways. And I think the more people are just open to just experiencing it and not trying to force it to do a certain thing, but just really experience for what it can do. They'll get better results.

Logan (51:18):
Yeah. Yeah. Now remind me a story. Energy medicine practitioner that I was learning from saying was someone with Phantom, Lynn was just doing the Meridian lines off that Phantom limb and that made the, the pain go away. So just where they would be in the body except the limb wasn't there. I was like, yeah. That's interesting. So your story there reminded me of that.

Mike (51:40):
Yeah. It's, it's, it's just remarkable all the ways that are how profound everything is and we are just so ignorant of it and

Logan (51:48):

Mike (51:51):
Physical model. That's just so silly and that's breaking down. I mean, I think we're seeing that people are more and more seeing that this model is just mm-hmm, hopelessly flawed and it, you know, it's good. It's good for within the bounds of where it's good. Like, you know, but I've even seen people question, you know, getting your broken bone set, you know, . Yeah. So who knows? I mean, we all say, well, that's good, but even some people say, well, no, that's the way they do. That's not good. So who knows, but we're having to learn this stuff that I think our ancestors knew and

Logan (52:24):
Mm-Hmm, ,

Mike (52:24):
You know, it's just, it's cyclical, I guess. And this is just a beautiful way to bring it back home,

Logan (52:30):
You know? So yeah. I've been having great result with this and wanted to share it with my audience. It's definitely, you know, not a well known thing out there. So I wanna spread the word on it. Thank you so much, Mike. I hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I have.

Mike (52:47):
Yeah. It's my pleasure. And you I'm anytime to come and answer questions. I do. If anybody does purchase this, I give ongoing support. I mean, people get my cell phone number. I just talk to a guy probably half an hour today. That's just got a set of him. So I'm happy to, you know, make sure that people get the most out of this cuz it's I do it more. The love of just I've seen such amazing things with it that I wanna keep it, keep it going and make it available to more people. So I do appreciate the opportunity

Logan (53:16):
Mm-Hmm absolutely. Yeah. And you need more tools in your tool bag. If you wanna be healthy today, you know, herbs are great, but they don't cover everything like physical exercise, very important. Gotta do it, but doesn't cover everything. Right? So some light therapy with some gemstones, there's a cool one that most people are not making you. So , let's get that added in and what it can do for the support from the physical symptoms to the emotional and beyond that. It's it it's really cool.

Mike (53:43):
Well, especially for people that are working out, I mean, I don't know if everybody on your list or your audience pulls trains with their hair

Logan (53:51):
Nope. Nope. Not quite,

Mike (53:53):
But it can, it can really help. I remember one time I slipped going out of my back deck in the winter time and really wrenched my knee. And that night I, I was actually having to go down to my parents and help them with something and I could couldn't even stand up and I just basically ran the, the light therapy and ice packs, Emer enrolled and ice packs. And within the, by the next day it was way better. And then, and how quickly it it's, it can help for people that are doing strenuous physical workouts just to recover faster from those inevitable things that can happen. So it definitely has a place with that as well.

Logan (54:33):
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I'm still early in my use on the system, have a lot more experiments to run with it all for sure. So when we do have a, a special deal for you that Mike is graciously extending your way if fuse the coupon code Logan in all caps, that's L O G a N. You can save a hundred dollars off each of the gems each of the different gem lights that is available. So thank you very much for that, Mike.

Mike (55:00):
Hey, my pleasure. And, and do keep in mind that you do purchase the light source separately and we'll have instructions on that, so that, but the gym stones themselves or the LAR gym mixtures are what we're offering the coupon on. And but yeah, the lights you can get pretty much anywhere, Amazon best buy, pretty, pretty easy to find.

Logan (55:23):
And you have details for that on the lights, quite easy to just walk you through the steps you should probably offer 'em just on your site, get a wholesale, make it easier for people . But yeah,

Mike (55:33):
Yeah, it it's just one of those things that when I came up with this, it was during all these lockdowns and people were kind of, so I thought, well, how can I make something that people can be more self-sufficient and yeah, plus I, I think it's with the stands and with the accessories, there's dozens and dozens of different ones. And so find one that works for you, you can get 'em all over. So I've just tried to keep it a little simpler rather than me having to, cause I have to mark it up, you know, to stocking things

Logan (56:00):
Right. Right. Of course, of course. And what's the website for people to visit

Mike (56:05):

Logan (56:11):
And of course you'll have show notes and links to everything, more info on the website, health You'll be able to find it there as well. So thanks everyone for listening. If you have any follow up questions, be sure to reach out to myself or Mike, but I, I hope you have found this illuminating unintended there and yeah. It, whether you can do it now or later, just at least keep this in the back of your mind. And maybe it's something that you'll be hearing more about in the future. Thanks everyone for listening. Bye-Bye Mike. Bye. Bye. Thank you.