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Coronavirus and the Worldview of Health

The coronavirus disrupted my routine, but back in the podcast game. In this episode:

  • Models, Statistics and Lies
  • Who is the World Health Organization?
  • How Conflicts of Interest Can Ruin Everything
  • Why Our Government Agencies are Failing Us
  • Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
  • Rooting in Routine
  • And much more

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Welcome back. And I'm saying that more to myself than I'm saying it to you. This is the first podcast I've recorded in quite some time. I fell off my rhythms because the world fell apart. Literally everything that's come in the past few months was recorded back in February. And then the coronavirus everything that has happened since then. So here we are in may. It's been a crazy, crazy time. Fascinating time. Absolutely. And of course, people are dying. People's lives are being ruined. So don't mean fascinating in a good way, but fascinating. None the less in the world falling apart in how that disrupted me. Yes, it did disrupt me. Fell apart in certain habits, got depressed different things going on, bouncing back, but also kicking into high gear as far as investigative journalism, all these things going on. So I went in to record an episode here where I talk about some of my thoughts around this.
What's going on with the Corona virus. Really obviously this has so much to do about health and health sovereignty and that is not what our governments, not what our worldwide bodies are preaching at all. They are saying health by everything outside of sovereignty is the case where to start with this. This is really just going to be somewhat of a ramble, a rant covering a few different topics, models, statistics and lies. I think that's a good place to start. Well, we've, we've learned something about models have we not every model about this Corona virus has proven to be wrong. I don't think there's been a single model that accurate progressive, even though there's ranges of least to most like everything that's happened has not fallen within those. I can fully understand people in the early on in this back in March, we didn't really know so much and we couldn't trust the data that came out of China.
The like the leaked footage that came from people of showing some crazy stuff going on, had this not started in China, I really wonder what would have gone on with the rest of the world. But we saw that response. We didn't trust this statistics, so there was a lot of fear and uncertainty and unknowns. But now here towards the end of may, we know quite a more about what is going on. Every model failed miserably. And something we can take from that is that models very often are wrong. And if we can't see the data that is put into the model, if we can't see how the model works, then should we trust that model at all? I don't think so. Neil Ferguson, the guy that was one of the main guys behind the Imperial college model that was used to shut down the UK, that basically here in the U S we used that data as well in order to look at our models, that has been shown to be completely wrong.
And not only that, Neil Ferguson is a hypocrite breaking the own, the quarantine rules to go have sex with his married girlfriend craziness. Right? And that's a thing about a lot of these people that taught seemingly hypocrites, right? If someone is a hypocrite, if they're not following their own rules, should we, the rest of the people be following them. So here's the thing to understand. As I've been diving deeper into learning about pharmaceutical medicine, specifically, how the science is manipulated and faked, in many cases, most of the studies that are done for a new drug, for instance, the data is not publicly disclosed. Did you know that in many cases the data is a company's proprietary secret? So can we really trust the data if it's not out there in the public? I mean, this allows for manipulation easily, right? We can get rid of outliers, we can reclassify things.
And you can just look at our paper one. Perhaps we had ghostwritten believe this. That's, that's what they want us to do. So we have to be very careful about data. The thing that would answer so many problems in the world today, not all of them. You know, obviously we live in a complex world, but transparency, if we don't have transparency, then that is where corruption can take hold. That is where people can be misled and lied to because of a lack of transparency. So I think we should once again learn this lesson. Don't trust a model just because an expert quote unquote says that this is my model, this is what it says. We need to listen to this if, and I'm not saying you have to be a statistician as this stuff gets complex, but look at if the data is not publicly available and other people came up, look at such a thing, should you trust it? And I would say no, the default should be no. Do not trust something that is not publicly disclosed.
So as I mentioned earlier, I have gone, I guess deeper down the investigative journalism rabbit hole, this seeing what was happening in the world and actually understanding how this plays into various agendas out there. Had me writing more about a wide range of topics from this, I started exploring different things. One of the things that I did was deep dive on the world health organization because this organization is held up as a worldwide authority on health as the name implies, and even such places as YouTube saying, if you say anything that goes against the guidelines of the who, then we are going to get rid of your video or demonetize it all the different factors that they have in play there. So should we really be trusting the world health organization? Well, I did some research and what I'm probably going to do in upcoming episodes on the podcast, I'm going to read that here.
If you want access to that, that [email protected] slash who who that is available there. You can grab the PDF, no opt in, no nothing necessary. Just go and read that. It's about 50 pages, although big type, there's pictures in there and whatnot. So it's not that detailed, but it kind of looked over the span of time, you know, not just what's going on right now. That's of course important. What is the whose relationship to China? Pedro's the guy that is head of the who, how did he get in that position, but what has happened also in the past that gives us clues to whether we should be trusting this organization? Short answer, I don't believe they are very trustworthy based on many of the things I see going on and once again, simple stuff. This is as simple as I can make it.
Why is none of our government bodies, why is the world health organization? Why is the best they can tell us to do is to avoid sick people? Wash hands, wear a mask or don't wear masks. That there's craziness that can't even decide on a coherent answer regarding that. Why is there not a single bit of information that, Hey, make sure your vitamin D levels up. More and more researchers coming up showing that those people that have ideal levels of vitamin D, they're not dying from this. While the people that are dying of very low levels of vitamin D is vitamin D just about the coronavirus and covert 19 no, absolutely not. This is so necessary for so many bits, different aspects of health that it's crazy not to just be recommending this kind of as a blanket thing, like most things do not fit as a blanket.
Vitamin D is one of those instead of fluoride in the water. Why don't we put vitamin D in the water? That would be so much better for all of our health, including bone health, which means the teeth, right, but this isn't really about health to them. That's my opinion. More about power and control and being able to milk people like they milk cows for profits. I mean that is what our medical system is actually about. If you understand it, so yes, I will be probably reading that aloud and giving additional thoughts in coming up episodes here, but once again, you can go check that out. Logan, and please do not take my word for it. What I'm doing with all of this, it's much easier to do in written form. Then here on the podcast is I have links to every single one of my references.
Challenge me. I would love to believe that the world health organization is a great organization, but when I look at the data, when I look and see what's there and make it transparently, publicly available, I do not see that. When I look at pharmaceutical companies and what they do, yes, of course there are some lifesaving drugs. Yes, drugs do have their place, but I look at the bad things they do and there's so much there that is not public knowledge or it is, but little bits and pieces of it that people, it takes time to do this. You know, I have a, I'm in a very good place. I'm grateful that I've worked hard to build my businesses, to put my life in a place where honestly, the Corona virus is not impacting me that much personally. Like my home life, like I work from home, so not that much has changed for me. Yes, there has been business disruptions and things like that, but compared to many other people out there, I'm a very solid place. I also have freed up my time in a way that allows me to dig deep into pharmaceutical corruption into what is going really going on with the world government corruption. And I understand most people do not have that luxury except many people do have much more free time now you can spend it just Bingy now on Netflix and eating crappy food or perhaps now is a good time to educate yourself.
I'm getting fired up here. Can you tell, so I do want to say this because this is such a big issue involved in everything we see going on is conflicts of interest. Now just being transparent about a conflict of interest does not necessarily make it go away. And it's really stupid naive to think that that is the case. As I've shown in some of my medical monopoly musing, my writings about that, oftentimes with the science, with doctors, physicians, researchers and whatnot, these conflicts of interests are not disclosed. We see that even at the world health organization as well, there are rampant conflicts of interest and oftentimes they are hidden away and conflicts between companies and organizations and philanthropies even. Can be hidden just by the sheer complexity of it all. That does not mean that these conflicts of interests are not very much a conflict of interest in having bad effects because of that.
So we are certainly seeing that go on and to be truthful, to be transparent, I in a sense have conflicts of interest to, the reason I am talking about this stuff is because I see a better way to health. I am trying to get people to take their health into their own hands because it must start there. It can't be, granted health can not come from a government. Health cannot come from a world wide organization. Health certainly cannot come from a pharmaceutical company. All of those will have a place. But without an individual person having the sovereignty, the choice to be healthy, the education from which to realize what should and should not be done and to be able to figure things out for themselves, then you can't truly be healthy. So I teach a different way of looking at health then is that public perception and my businesses support that.
Obviously fitness, not necessarily the conventional fitness of going to a gym, running on a treadmill like a hamster, but fitness where you actually learn to move. Well, you become strong. That is an important piece of health. Herbalism is, in my opinion, it is a necessary piece of health. There are many different ways of, obviously food is super important, but herbs before the last century or so have always been a part of our diet. Every single indigenous people, every culture across the world used herbs as medicine. It's only us modern people that have forgotten how to do that. So these are pieces of the puzzle of what it takes to actually really be healthy. In today's world, they're not the only thing. And there's so much else out there from energy medicine to psychology, tons and tons of things. We've covered that in some past episodes. So what I'm trying to sell you on is this different worldview of health and of course my businesses fit into that. So I am conflicted in that sense. But to be honest, I would love for everyone to, even if they didn't patronize my businesses at all, just for people to adopt this viewpoint, we would all be so much better off because of it.
And one of the big pieces of this is a worldview of health. As we've been talking about. A big part of this is the germ theory versus terrain theory. Germ theory really being, it's all about the germ. It's about the virus. It's about the bacteria. Oh, when we initially found these things, Louie pastor is like, Oh, these bugs are everywhere. We need to get rid of them. Pasteurization, heating, things up, sterilizing. And of course, that has its place too. I'm not saying that this stuff is not important at all. Obviously sterilization is huge. I mean, Samwise the doctor who was talking about, Oh, you know, if you work on a dead body and then you go and deliver a baby a lot of women and babies are dying. Well, if we wash our hands, that doesn't seem to happen. And other doctors and scientists of the time laughed at this man because they didn't understand how that could possibly be a thing.
So obviously hygiene is important, but being overly hygienic is also problematic as well for different reasons. Anytime you do an intervention, there are trade offs from that. So if we close people in their houses that can be good, it will stop exposure to germs. However, you know they're not getting vitamin D from the sun. Most people not getting it from their food. Either they're going to be indoors and only exposed to certain things that it may be taking their immunity down. Then when they go back out into the world, are we surprised that they are less effective at doing things? So that is really the germ theory. Just avoid the germs, get rid of the germs as much as possible. We've learned a lot since that theory came forth. It was a time and a place to kind of look at that theory, even though there was the bait back then.
But we have learned, Oh, we have viruses within us, we have bacteria within us, we even have fun guy within us. And these are important part of our microbiome. It's not just gut health, it's really across our entire body. We are a symbiotic organism. And if we just tried to kill it all off, we would do so in a detrimental way to ourselves. So it is much more so about the terrain. If I could just avoid a germ was one option, or I could have the best terrain possible, I would pick the terrain. And by terrain I mean that internal body, which has to do with your internal systems, your internal health, your immune system. So the white blood cells, killer, natural killer cells, everything involved there, but also the microbiome, although symbiotic organisms with us. So a germ where we're being assaulted by germs all the time, they're always present.
We've had Corona viruses forever. Is this one really so much worse? Yeah, it does seem to be more infectious and yeah, it's seems to be on par with a bad flu or even a little bit worse than that. That's according to the statistics we have even from the CDC, which there's problems with those statistics. You know, when a Papa a fruit in Tanzania test positive for the Corona virus, we knows there's some problems going on with our testing, right? So yes, there's false positives, false negatives. There's under counting of death, there's over counting of death. It is a mess. So we go back to ourselves, can we be as healthy as possible? And yeah, of course. If you are grossly overweight, that is going to take some time to handle that and chances are that is going to become much harder because of our chemicalized overly ultra processed food supply and chemicals in the water, all kinds of stuff like that that's going to take some time to rectify. But going out to nature, which has now been made illegal in certain places, is good for your health. A single dose of nature can be effective for increasing your immunity, for lowering stress, for having cascading effects across your body,
And they're making this illegal. It's happened like back and forth here in California. Limited hours. You're allowed to go to the beach. And I, I can understand the viewpoint that we don't want overcrowding and people can be spreading it, but why? It makes no sense that a single person cannot step foot in nature where they're alone. Right. And it's crazy to me to see people wearing masks in nature, you know, at the times when it's not illegal or when I'm going there otherwise, because that's actually gonna block the benefits of nature. Yeah. So we got some crazy times. It's because people are not properly educated on health. Our government bodies, our world health organization are not properly educating people on health. They are pigeonholed. They're stuck into this germ theory of disease because conflicts of interest, because they're incentivized prophetize in order to be here. Instead, we need people to understand this train theory, that first and foremost, it is about your own immune system. And we're seeing that with the disease. Who's dying? Well, one very old people, 80 plus in many cases cormobidities whether this is high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, all kinds of different factors.
So the healthier you are, which is not just about being young, and once again, it's not just, Hey, I should have been exercising all this time in order to be better right now. Simple things you do today can improve your immunity. What you eat right now changes your immune system for the better or for the worse. Your ability to handle stress right now changes your immune system for better or worse. So are we mandating the wearing masks or mandating meditation, which would actually be better for immunity? Why do we have choice on just some of these things but not others? Why are all the choices restricted to certain things? And what we're seeing coming here certain pharmaceutical drugs, in many cases it looks like they're going to be mandating these. I have a problem with that because I'm a health sovereign. I went to be a sovereign individual and to say that I have to do a pharmaceutical intervention in order to protect another person.
Yeah, I have problems with that line of thinking because well what about the company that is pumping out chemicals into the environment that gets into the groundwater that gets into food? Why do they have a choice to degrade the health of tons and tons of people and I don't have a choice to have completely clean food. You know, even at the top of Everest there's DDT which is bad for your health in case you didn't know. So why do these in many cases, evil corporations, you know sometimes it is because there are corrupted individuals involved. But other times or just in general, the profit motive that chasing of the quarterly earnings for the stock market incentivizes certain behavior, short term thinking behavior, not longterm thinking behavior. So why do they have the choice to do such things? They're not looking at longterm ramifications. The tragedy of the comments, they have the rights of a corporation to be a personhood but not the responsibilities involved. And yet here I am with less rights. I can't choose to do certain things, but I'm responsible for other people in this way. It just doesn't make sense. And I'm feeling positive because you're listening to this. A lot of people are thinking along the same lines.
So go out to nature. Even if it is breaking the law because I think time is now is a good time for public, civil disobedience. You can do it peacefully. I'm not saying to be violent or destroy property, anything like that, be civilly disobedient. Go out to nature because it's good for your health. I mean, let me count the ways I go out to a park at the wrong hours. I am breaking the law. I'm not wearing a mask. I'm not sure if that's mandated here or not. And then I go in some herbs and of course they're farming a state park. Picking anything is illegal as well. I understand. Yes, we do need rules and regulations. But if those rules and regulations are idiotic illogical and harmful than it is, you're right, it is your responsibility to break him. That is my opinion. Do things for your health and the better you support your health, the better you can help support other people's health as well. You know, we, we all do make our choices. Why do some get mandated and others do not? That's a good question.
So we're back in action here at the health sovereign podcast. I got fun stuff coming up, going to be trying some new things moving forward here. Like I said, got that world health organization going to be reading that whole report. I'm also planning on reading aloud my medical monopoly musings. This stuff is important. One last thing I want to mention here is with these crazy times are going on, it is easy to get off kilter. I mean people's lives, people's routines are completely disrupted. One thing I've found very useful to me is rooting into routine, getting into making sure I didn't fall away from my routines. In some cases, yes, I got thrown off a little bit, but I, I knew I needed to get back to those things that really take care of myself, take care of my health, take care of my sanity.
Very important to do that and this concept of rooting into the routine like a tree roots into the ground that gives you that grounding from which to thrive from rich, to be your best self, from which to make good decisions for yourself and for others you care about. So if you have allowed yourself to get out of routines that are very helpful for you, what can you do to get back to them? And not only that, what new routines or tweaks to your routine can be made that further set you up in a good way. Some good questions to be asking yourself. It's going to wrap it up for today. I look forward to continuing this podcast for you, continuing to speak. You like this. Thanks for listening. As always, if you want to share this podcast to other people and much appreciated reviews wherever you can review it, that is great as well. Thank you so much.


  1. Eric Eric

    The constitution was written for oppressive government who try to take away our freedoms! Like now! Our founding fathers took up arms against the oppressive British government who were very evil in America!

    There were many people who had bad things to say about them for not bowing down to the existing British government at the time but no matter what kind of names, or betrayal they faced, our founding fathers stood for the freedoms of the American people!

    Keep speaking the truth Logan! And thank you!

    • admin admin

      Thanks Eric!

  2. Brian Brian

    Great podcast! I really enjoyed it considering most commentators wont even go into natural healthy ways people can protect themselves even through basic diet and exercise. It’s a fact that healthy people are more likely going to survive any type of sickness and disease as opposed to sick elderly people with comorbidities (which are the real population who have a higher chance of dying). Instead, we have these irresponsible governors who allowed positive covid 19 patients in nursing homes so don’t let them tell you their dumb policies are saving lives. Hospitals have been caught lying and exaggerating in the U.S about covid 19 deaths most likely because they are getting grant money and incentives to say that their patients are dying from covid 19 plus alot of hospitals seem to be going under since that big wave they predicted and what they initially shut down the whole economy for never even came close to happening. It’s crazy how much fear propaganda is being pushed onto people and the misinformation they are being presented. The data shows worldwide this is just like any other virus in terms of death rates ( higher in the U.S due to fabricated numbers, putting covid 19 positive patients in nursing homes, ect) but the powers that be are using this crisis to flex their tyrannical powers. I’m from PA so the governors response has been destroying businesses. This is truly an economic issue, a personal liberty issue, and a health issue where big companies are trying to censor alternative medicine which can actually make people healthier which will not only save their life and increase their chances of fighting this virus off, but make their quality of life better as well.

    • admin admin

      Yep. I’m in California so I know all about overblown steps by governors.

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