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Is Google a Pharmaceutical Company Now?

Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has taken some big steps into the healthcare space.

They own several companies and are invested in dozens more.

That would not be a problem in and of itself.

BUT we see patterns of Google and Youtube controlling the information they want you to see…including health information.

Can you say conflicts of interest? I sure can!

It was actually seeing the increases in censorship that led me to talking out about the subject. (That’s called the Streisand effect, when censorship leads to greater publication.)

Most people didn’t see it happening earlier on as it was largely relegated to the fringes.

But censorship doesn’t just stop by itself. It creeps and it creeps ever forward.

We haven’t got to outright book burning yet but that doesn’t mean this isn’t censorship.

And today it is seldom outright banning, though that is happening. Far more so it is more subtle and therefore devious tactics of downranking, shadowbanning, demonetization and more.

The latest episode dives deeper into the subject and what it means for your health.

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