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The Future of Medicine with Steve Young

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • How AI is endangering our health and could keep us from real cures from our problems. ([1:20])
  • The most harmful technologies surrounding you right now if you’re listening to this podcast. ([7:58])
  • How to optimize your office and make it support healthy posture (and why the most common “solutions” don’t help). ([11:38])
  • The popular “health hack” that can actually cause depression. ([16:05])
  • How to “clean” your body in 30 days and become radically healthier. ([22:15])

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Steve Young’s goal is to live to 150 years of age and help many other people do the same. He created the Ammortal Process of identifying the hidden root causes of illnesses along with poor mental and physical performance. Then formulating a customized and full accountability system to integrate the solutions for permanent resolution of symptoms and avoidance of the “shiny object syndrome” pertaining to health. His goal is to empower over 1 Billion people with complete control over their health, their mind, and their physical performance.

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Logan: 00:18 Welcome back. Last week we covered the root causes of health and disease with my guest, Dr. Steve Young. It's an amazing conversation that really dives into some health topics, an area, root cause, that most people are not paying enough attention to. And now we move forward with, How does this play into the future of medicine? We have some crazy technologies on the horizon. How is this going to play out for us? So, let's dive right back in.

And even with AI, right? So, let's discuss AI a little bit. It has a huge potential for helping things, even understanding root causes and helping us get to this other thing, but I'm also worried. The biggest AI players right now, Google Alphabet, they are working with a GlaxoSmithKline right now. They're looking at bioelectronics. They're looking at these things and seeing that, Oh, Google is now censoring alternative health information. If these people control the AI, then that just leads us further down the path we're already going, so not such a good way in that.

Steve: 01:19 Yeah, AI is, think of it as, an intelligence. It's like a more efficient, effective, comprehensive way to do what we tell it to do. We point it in the direction, it would do it better. So, in my mind, they're still pointing it in the direction of let's make our existing system better, more comprehensive, more efficient.

And there are all kinds of cases, like IBM. They spent, I think it was 300 million or 400 million on Watson to try to make healthcare better. It actually didn't work out so well, because they were still just making the current, I believe, I really believe, this broken system, more efficient, more effective and all that stuff.

Logan: 01:58 It’s going to be an accelerator for it, essentially.

Steve: 02:00 Yeah, it’s an accelerator. Exactly right. It's like a catalyst. It just makes it or just still pointing in a direction that, to me, is not the most serving way to enhance human health. And so, I believe that it goes back to let's apply AI towards the other side, right, which is how do we enhance healing adaptation?

Logan: 02:20 Okay, so let's go there. We've clearly said that there are problems if we continue with just ever more advanced technology moving forward in the same direction, so bypassing the system.

And it may sound like we're anti-technology here. That is not the case. I like to think of it in terms of, Is this technology in alignment with nature, with our biology, with all these different levels? If so, then it can really rapidly accelerate healing and whatnot. But if it is based on faulty assumptions, based more on profit than, let's say, health and healing, and biology, then that is where we run into troubles.

Steve: 02:55 Yes. I believe, I mean, we are one of the people that's doing this, which is building tech and leveraging tech to align humans more with themselves and with earth, versus separating and relying on technology. Yeah, I feel that's where the future's at. Yeah, science and technology isn't a bad thing.

Like we talked about, it’s just a tool and it's like a hammer. We can decide what we want to do with a hammer. We want to hit people over the head with it or build constructive things, or hold the hammer and feel the steel, and be more attuned to ourselves because of the sensation that means, why, we can do with this whatever we want to do with the tool. So, I bet there's a lot of opportunity in using AI and technology in the whole healing adaptation side versus disease treatment management side.

Logan: 03:45 Okay, so let's talk about that. And I do want to point out, AI is, for most people, a very generalized, loosely-defined term. Most of the AI we're seeing right now is just better and better machine learning, more processor speed put behind being able to compute things, and this allows a computer to master AlphaGo or chess so much faster than a human can do. But that computer cannot play checkers then. It is specifically designed for a single task and it has no inductive ability.

There are people working on it. I believe it's called artificial general intelligence or symbolic artificial intelligence where it has this ability. I'm not as up on that, but really in the past two years, we have gone far deeper down the machine learning path. So, yeah, where do you see this helping in us getting to better?

Steve: 04:35 Yeah, there are some potential applications, real-world stuff that I see happening in the future. The AI is listening to us talk and, just by our language choice, it's going to be saying things like, Oh, I noticed in the last week you said the words “need” and “should” 37 times based on my data that shows that you’re now heightened in your or you’ve just increased your risk for diabetes and heart disease by X, so let's do these actions to offset it. I could totally see this coming. Of course, it could be--

Logan: 05:09 They're already listening to us all the time anyway, right?

Steve: 05:12 Sure. We're definitely being listened to, for sure, although the application would be based on the pictures you stopped at and looked at on Facebook. And, because everyone's going to be wearing AR glasses in the next couple of years anyway, based on the things I've seen you pay attention to with your vision, this means that your this disease, blah, blah, blah, that’s happening, so let's eat these things to offset it. Right?

So, basically, in the future, what will happen is like the GPS effect. Most people don't use maps anymore. Just the phone tells us where to go. In the future, the AI will basically tell us what to eat and all that stuff to enhance our health.

Logan: 05:52 I see that as kind of a double-edged sword, because, in a sense, people are losing sovereignty if they just defer completely to the AI. And, once again, who's controlling that AI in the first place? There is a potential for this to be used in nefarious ways and it's like, Oh, you have this problem, so here's your recommended customized pharmaceutical track from us. So, yeah, there's potential for difficulty. It really depends on who is controlling and how they're pointing this technology. Right?

Steve: 06:20 Absolutely. It's all tools, right. And so, it depends on who is controlling the tool and how the person wants to use that tool. I would assume the person has sovereignty and choice over how much because people can still use maps; they just choose not to. And so, they will have, of course, a choice like, How much do I want the input to be this AI-driven logical, systematic, structured way versus how much of this do I want to develop within myself and develop my intuition and feeling naturally.

Logan: 06:50 But with feedback, it can actually accelerate that process if it's properly used. I am just curious, just thinking about even with our iPhones now and social media how people become so addicted to those and how they're built for the specific purpose with strong AI learning around them. So, yeah, people can get rid of their apps, but how often are people actually doing that? So, it's definitely an interesting thing to think about.

Steve: 07:12 It is, yeah. I mean, obviously the app builders are incentivized to keep people using it or have people use it, of course. Then, that really just goes back to how the app is designed. Ideally, it's designed with, we'll call it, sacredness, respect, and sovereignty for humans in mind, for sure.

Logan: 07:33 Yeah. Another thing, I'm curious, you mentioned that in a few years we'll all have augmented reality, and I've heard people describe it as we're already cyborgs—we have our phone and whatnot, and we're in this digital world, some people more often then outside of it—and, I mean, we're staring at a screen right now and technology is amazing how it can connect us, but that doesn't mean there's not a dark side to these things. Because we know with cellphones that research is showing EMFs, Wi-Fi, all this stuff, this electromagnetic pollution around us is one of those stressors that is having lots of effects. It is one of those causal things. It's just so subtle, the vast majority of people are not going to recognize it.

So, as we become more connected, you see a point where we can or a way we can make this technology that is more in alignment with our biology, or just as this stuff is coming like with 5G, is that going to just further rapidly deteriorate our health even though we have some cool trinkets and technologies along the way that might be able to help us in health?

Steve: 08:32 Yeah, that's a great question. From a surely technology standpoint, I definitely don't have a clear answer, but I will say in understanding the neural patterns, I have an answer from that perspective, which is the more disruption, the more chaos surely from, let's say, a physiological perspective that the tech builds.

At some point, it may not be immediate, at some point, there must be equally an amount of order. Then because it creates a big enough problem, someone will come to solve that problem because there are benefits of solving that problem. We don't know how long the problem may exist before someone comes and solves it, and how much damage it does before someone solves it. But the laws of the universe states that, at some point, if it's big enough, it gets solved. We don't know how long or when, but from a general nature pattern perspective, that will be the case.

And so, what's interesting, though, is the solving part, right? What is that solution? This could be, again, nanorobots in our bodies offsetting the EMF damage that's causing the mutation in the cells to just some people is a solution. To some people, it might be building homes or locations where there's no EMFs. You have a break from the EMFs at will, so you get to choose. I believe there'll be a mix. So, people with their own frames of reality will create what, in their mind, is the best, quote-unquote, “best” solution. I feel this will be available. It's going to be necessary because I don't think we can stop 5G and others. We're not going to be able to [inaudible], yeah.

Logan: 10:07 It is interesting, watching that where people are protesting and getting certain cities to not roll down and whatnot, whereas other ones it’s just coming. Yeah, there are fascinating things that are happening.

Kind of on that note—and you were talking about the workplace wellness and this is something I definitely think about a lot—how we set up our environment is such an important part of health because of how much we are affected by the environment.

One of the studies I like to reference, just to show how subtle these kinds of things can be, I forget the name of the people that did this, but at a movie theater, they were handing out free buckets of popcorn and this was stale bad popcorn. Some people they gave a small thing to. Other people they gave a large container to. And then, after the movie was done, they would go and measure how much people ate by how much was left.

The large one was more than a person could possibly even eat. And just by the size of the container, people liked different amounts. So it's a subtle cue. No one would say to themselves, Oh, the size of that container affected how much I ate, right? And people were, I think, asked this at the end of the time, but it definitely did. So, the environment has both major impacts, but also very subtle ones.

What are some of the things people can do right now, but also possibly some of the coming future technology that may allow us to even better, not just our workplace, but our homes, everywhere we spend time?

Steve: 11:34 Yeah. Interesting. I've been talking about this a lot in the last couple of months. Obviously, the simple one is the workstation, right? Obviously, I've been, actually, let’s just be honest. So, yeah, literally, in the last two and a half years, we've been designing something that will make the workstation actually healthy for you because it solves inactivity and posture. I believe people don't have poor posture. We have a poor workstation design that promotes this forward-leaning position.

And so, basically, you want your body to be moving. Some people think standing at the standing desk is much better than sitting, but if you're standing still at the standing desk, you still have inactivity, because you ideally want your body to be moving rhythmically here and there throughout the day. It just doesn’t lose it--

Logan: 12:19 I can see I'm wobbling on my standing desk wobble board right now.

Steve: 12:24 Perfect. All right, so it’s some kind of rhythmic movement because our joints get their nutrients in circulation from movement, so if we're not moving, just purely from a joint perspective, they're basically starving to death. And so, you want some type of movement at your workstation.

And the other one would be conceptually in our environment, anything from lighting, so static light, fluorescent lighting may not be the best. There are companies now that are making LED lights that actually will stimulate the same frequency, the same color as the sun, wherever you live. It synchronizes with that. Just pretty awesome. All right, so it feels like--

Logan: 12:58 Honestly, is it lights have the power of it, because can lights even come close to mimicking that? They can do the same wavelength, but can it match the sun?

Steve: 13:07 Yeah. No, of course. It's from an intensity perspective, it will match the sun, but purely from a [curing? 13:12] our eyes in our circadian rhythms, like the rhythm of all our hormones and chemicals, essentially it will be much more in line with nature with this lighting, which is kind of cool.

Another concept is just saying we've made things more efficient and easier without fully understanding the consequences of these things easier, right? And so, part of that, because we don't have to get up to move to change a channel anymore, just think 30 years ago, you had to get up off your couch or wherever you're sitting to walk a few steps to change the channel and sit back down. Now you can just push a button, and now actually you can actually just talk to it.

Logan: 13:47 Right. This is too much, the person [unclear 13:49]. Do my movement. Get it out.

Steve: 13:52 Right. And so, I actually think, and I want to design a home and a future where it is actually, on purpose, inefficient. But, this way, I mean, just think. Imagine there's a drawer for your silverware that you need to eat with and it is almost on the floor, and you have to squat down every time you'd get a fork and a spoon.

And so, we can actually design an on-purpose efficient home that promotes movement and stretching. Right? And so, imagine, I don’t know, there's a drawer that only opens a button three feet away. You're supposed to get it, stretch with your leg to push a button. We can have fun with this, and so, you're getting stretching and mobility in, just by living.

Logan: 14:34 I just had an image of a robot child that you have to play with a certain amount of time each day.

Steve: 14:40 I mean, there’s a lot of interesting stuff that can be done with this, and the whole premise is it goes back to practicing the opposite. We've mastered, in a way, efficiency. Maybe let’s practice inefficiency because I believe God or the universe wants us to practice both, and so we actually can design a home that's also inefficient and the person would be way more healthy.

Logan: 15:00 Absolutely. Yes, you brought up the wavelength of light, and just going back to what we were talking about as far as causes, so one thing we know with our devices, too much blue light. And blue light is not bad by itself. That's another distinction that is worth knowing. It’s the dose is whether something is helpful or harmful, right?

So, too much blue light, especially at certain times of the day, nighttime, is causing these negative health effects, increasing stress levels, and whatnot. And, for the most part, a lack of red light. So, we have too much of this one wavelength, which is leading to problems, then not enough with this other one, and with red light, we see it because people are not spending much time outside; they're not getting enough of this wavelength. Using red light devices has some very beneficial effects for just the body and even the eyes. You were saying that helping.

Steve: 15:55 Yeah.

Logan: 15:55 Because the balancing factor essentially is what it is, right?

Steve: 15:58 What's fascinating is you have some of these, we'll call it, health gurus or hackers, telling people to avoid blue light because it's bad. So, they're wearing blue-light-blocking glasses all day, and there’s actually direct research showing that would cause depression and that’s what even through a seasonal effect of this sort. It's lack of light, light sort of going into your eyes.

And so, yeah, I, for sure, recommend if you're going to block light, it’s at nighttime. Once the sun goes down, put on your blue-light-blocking glasses or minimize screen time, whatever. You don't want to block it all day. It's the extreme. It's the opposite. It’s too much.

Logan: 16:32 It's going back to alignment with nature like, What did we grow up in as a species? And it's the signals from the sun and the stars, and whatnot. It's the same thing with sleeping. In most cities, absolutely, I think blackout curtains are really essential and get the devices with the various lights outside of your room, turned them off, don't sleep next to your cell phone, airplane mode, all that.

But I also wonder, are blackout curtains a good thing if you are blocking out star and moonlight? If that's the only lights that are around, what kind of effect does that have for things? And if you were to use sleep outside, then how would that be changing us as well? So, it is, yeah, often, Oh, we see this as bad, so let’s overcorrect, and, oh, now we're having problems with that. Let's overcorrect that. And then, you trust the pendulum will swing.

Steve: 17:19 Yeah. I've always thought about, I know a lot of people will do like I know one of our friends posted on social media this entire kit that he uses to block out all the light in a hotel room when he stays in travels. I'm thinking, why not just an eye mask that kind of just blocks it out on the eyes?

Logan: 17:34 Oh, it does get into your skin, too, that one of the studies is looking at, because we have photoreceptors on the skin as well, but then you're under the blankets and whatnot.

Steve: 17:43 Yeah, then we'll just the pack that eye mask. And so, yeah, and there’s actually--

Logan: 17:47 Lights are bright in those hotel rooms, so I've definitely done that. Throw pillows over the alarm clock and whatnot.

Steve: 17:53 Yeah, as you said, there's a tendency to over… We have such a subconscious input from mass media of more is better, you don't realize we're living under that subconscious [unclear 18:06] that are tendencies. So we tend to, humans tend to overdo more.

Logan: 18:11 Yeah. So yeah, technology is interesting if it can be aligned with nature in the future. Of course, there are ways that you can upgrade your environment in fully natural ways like plants indoors. They detox the air out and they're putting out oxygen into it. So there are very simple things like that. I’ve got the diffuser with essential oils going on in the background. Very simple things that can be done.

Once again, so much of health is about the subtle effects. Yeah, we can see the growth of things. You get a whole bunch of mercury in your mouth, that’s going to be an acute problem, but a little exposure to that thing, just over time, just compounds and compounds. So, we can look at the big steps we take, but also just the subtle things that are just reinforcing health, hour to hour, by both adding in those good things that are the useful, helpful nutrients, whether this is physical, mental or emotional, whatever, and also detoxing or supporting the body, and detoxing those things that need to be detoxed.

Steve: 19:09 Yeah, and like you mentioned, if there's a heightened acute input of a stressor, then in that specific situation, the response must require I heightened input or output I guess on the solution. For most people, it's more of a gradual thing, right? It's like an equal and opposite reaction phenomenon. For most people, the beneficial thing is it’s a very gentle, sustainable, long-term and very easy-to-integrate-in-your-life process, and not a super-rapid, massive thing.

Logan: 19:48 Yeah, the analogy I've used before, because Western medicine has its place and its ideal place is emergency medicine, so if your arm gets torn off, don't go see a shaman for that or a homeopathic. I'm not the proper use of that. So, yeah, over-intervening. Understanding the right time to do the right sort of intervention.

And, on that note, just I see that with detox because so much of what we're talking about here that is such a crucial part, and so people will do the 21-day cleanse and whatnot. They'll do this huge thing, and there's a time and a place for that. Perhaps, most important is how can you be supporting your detox channels on a daily basis, just keeping those open and not overburden by constant new supply, just pouring in the toxic water into the cup? How can you allow that to operate better?

Steve: 20:34 Yeah, for sure. When we work, as you know, some of the entrepreneurs that we work with, because we have the results, and so we see and we just get an idea. The test will show, for example, let's say, you have 5,000 parts per million of a chemical; you would be at the 95th percentile. That means you have more of it than 95 percent of Americans. Most people that we test, 90 percent of the people that we test, they'll have numbers in that range of 10 to 12,000. Keep in mind 5,000 is already 95.

It's funny. It's almost hilarious because the graph doesn't even have… It's outside of the bar graph. They could even make it a whole new thing because it’s outside. And so, when we see that, which 90 percent of the people that we test have that in the handful of the toxins, it’s why we actually do this actually intensive 30-day process of pulling out the toxins. We get, oh, my God, yeah, ridiculous amounts of it. And then, from there it is a multi, multi, multi-month process of how do we now gradually shift your relationship with food and add in the things that are supporting the detox process?

Logan: 21:39 Absolutely. Understanding the difference between acute toxicity and chronic toxicity is important, so we know that you get too much mercury. You need some. In an acute thing, that can kill you instantly, but just having certain high levels that, once again, may manifest as cancer, all these different things, depending on where it is in the body, all these different factors that are at play there, and how that then loads the other systems of your body that are going to disrupt the hormones and it's going to disrupt your gut, all of these different things.

Steve: 22:10 Yeah, once we get detailed into some of this stuff, it can be complex. We usually recommend it as a shotgun approach that we apply to most Americans, a general process of about 30 days to pull the toxins out with some type of general, low transition into healthier and healthier eating. And while all that's happening, of course, start to replace your personal care products with the nontoxic version, basically.

Most Americans don't realize. I was just talking to someone earlier. I was like, Hey, did you know that when they develop a new chemical, they're allowed to put it into the market and they only pull it once it kills a bunch of people?

Logan: 22:49 Yeah.

Steve: 22:50 People don’t realize that that's the law. I mean, prior to the last administration, they passed a law that said, okay, all new chemicals we’re probably been making sure it's safe before we put it out there, but they grandfathered every chemical prior to that law as being allowed, and 99 percent of those chemicals had zero testing on humans safety.

Logan: 23:11 Right. And when they do find and actually recall something, usually there's a chemical that is almost exactly the same with the same kind of effects that they replace it with. I mean, the BPA and other bisphenols. Then, DuPont with their Teflon pans that were actually called to print the name of the chemicals there. But same sort of things there. It's like, Oh, horrible effects. Let's get rid of that, but we'll replace it, essentially, with the same thing.

The world we live in, which is why it's so important to understand the root causes, understand how you can really support your body, because here's the truth—because of the world we live in, you cannot completely get rid of toxins, and even if you did, one, they're still in food to some degree. You're eating plants; there are toxins in those, which is why you can overeat things, and the whole doses of poison thing is true. Your body is also producing things itself.

So, these detoxification channels are important for, yes, the manmade chemicals that should not be here but are here for convenience and profit reasons, but also even endogenous chemicals that need to be detoxed. Very important.

Steve: 24:13 Yeah, for sure. It's impossible at this point to avoid detoxing. I mean, the hazards in rainwater in remote islands, and there are plastic particles in rainwater.

Logan: 24:21 Yeah, DDT at the top of the Himalayas. Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy world.

Steve: 24:25 You can say that. That's why I usually recommend everybody, every human can benefit from detox, especially if they live in America, just because we have pretty lax chemical laws and pesticide laws [inaudible].

Logan: 24:38 Yeah. And so, once again, that is especially if you get testing and you know it could have some big issues, do some more intensive process, but also look at what you can do in your daily, weekly routines and lives to really support that stuff.

See, we're coming up here at the end. This was a lot of fun. Where would you like to send people, people who are listening? They find you’re an amazing guy. Where do you want them to go to find some more information or learn more about what you're doing?

Steve: 25:05 Yeah, so for general health stuff, I have stuff posted on our, I guess, my personal blog, which is at For people who actually want very in-depth work to figure stuff out and find root causes, they just go to Ammortal, And we have a whole process that we've been doing with entrepreneurs, essentially to find, where are all the blockages that are happening, that's preventing healing, and, of course, where are the root causes?

Logan: 25:37 Yeah. And I just want to say, the stuff we talked about here, imagine all of that really kind of applied to you as far as diagnostics and different methods of looking across the different spans of levels, and then, similarly, integrating that into your life across the different levels. It's very cool stuff, what you're doing, and I know you're getting some amazing results with people doing so.

Steve: 25:59 Yeah, thanks. Yeah, it's exciting, too, because I've been looking at this for 30 years, right? So, it has kind of slowly formed into this framework. And then, applying it and seeing the impact it has had on people is pretty, pretty magical.

Logan: 26:13 Absolutely. Thank you so much, Steve. This was a very fun conversation. I hope other people enjoyed it just as much as I did.

Steve: 26:20 Awesome.